Agile Management Office has 12 Guiding Principles that lead our way of working. These principles are integrated into our AMO Way framework for implementing long lasting change, and by embodying these 12 points, we have been able to secure reliable and targeted results for all of our clients.

Let’s dive into one of the principles!

Principle 9:

Seek and accept constructive feedback


Any ongoing or finished task is basis of improvement. Feedback can cause great fear and is often misunderstood and highly avoided. It is often met with disbelief, making people within teams, nervous, tense and in worst case; defensive. The importance is how feedback is better sought and accepted and leveraged as an uplift and to maximise performance and effectiveness. …. And remember, it is should never be personal.


Foster an environment where peer reviewing is part of the process, not only does it create a greater cycle of knowledge sharing but also increases the learnings amongst the team and prevents big mistakes, like when you are up late collating an executive report and use the wrong amount in your budget request. Also, make sure that your north star is the team’s goal. This can ensure that any feedback is taken only to improve the team’s position in relation to their proximity to reaching the goal as opposed to taken as a personal attack.


Seeking feedback tips:

  • Ask about/address the roadblocks.
  • Ignore the extremes (either positive or negative).
  • Keep some questions open in order to give opportunists for objective input.
  • Talk about goals.
  • Transparency is key.

Accepting constructive feedback:

  • Do not get defensive.
  • Make your own decision on validity.
  • Follow up with assessing the progress.

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