PMO Trends for 2022

2022-09-15T11:32:50+10:00November 22nd, 2021|

As we move rapidly towards the conclusion of 2021, we are reflecting on the year that has been, thinking about the challenges and opportunities that came our way and creating some purposeful space to consider the areas we think we will need to lean into in 2022. Here’s our prediction for how 2022 may [...]

Who Project-Manages the Managers?

2022-09-15T11:31:23+10:00November 18th, 2021|

Most companies these days recognise the value of good project management. They know that keeping projects on track, monitoring productivity and addressing problems in a timely manner means better results and more profit. Many companies even employ project management specialists to make sure that everything is planned, executed, and measured properly. Those people develop great plans, create detailed reports, and [...]

10 Commandments for PMOs Introducing Agile

2022-09-15T11:26:40+10:00November 11th, 2021|

Thou shalt not leave anything up to chance. If there was a single statement that defined the PMO profession, that would be it. But we’ve come a long way. We’ve got all kinds of new tools, tricks, and techniques to help us plan, track and monitor everything better. Agile is definitely one of the shiny [...]

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