Making the switch to #Agile can seem daunting, but it does not have to be. Agile has become an incredibly popular way to manage projects, and for a good reason – it can be extremely effective. It allows for constant adaptation and change, which is essential for projects with shifting deadlines and requirements. Going Agile can be a big change for organisations, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here is everything you need to know to get your project teams Agile-ready and get started with Agile in the right way.

Understand Why You’re Switching to Agile

The first step is understanding why you want to switch to Agile in the first place. Many project management methodologies exist, and a large percent of those are waterfall in nature – although, there is a growing number of Agile-based choices now too. So why may Agile be the right choice for your organisation instead of waterfall-based methods? 

One of Agile’s standout strengths is the ability to be flexible and adaptable. In an ever-changing business environment, this is more important than ever. With Agile, your project team will be able to rapidly respond to changes, ensuring that your project always stays on track. 

Another reason you might be considering Agile is its focus on #collaboration. In an Agile environment, all team members are equally responsible for the success of the project. This collaborative approach can lead to a more positive work environment and a more engaged team. 

Agile also has an effective strategy when it comes to meetings. If you find that your project teams hold too many ineffective meetings, a change is needed. In Agile, every meeting has a specific purpose and is time-boxed, meaning that it will end on time whether or not all items on the agenda have been discussed. This helps keep meetings concise and focused, ensuring that everyone’s time is used efficiently. 

If you are not sure whether or not Agile is right for your organisation, take a look at this list of signs that you may be ready to make the switch. 

  • Difficulty meeting deadlines 
  • Frequent changes in project requirements 
  • Poor communication and collaboration between teams 
  • Lack of customer feedback responsiveness 
  • Ineffective use of resources 

If any of this sounds familiar, it may be time to try Agile.

Start with a Pilot Team or Group

Once you have decided that Agile is right for your organisation, it is time to start planning your transition. One way to ease into Agile is by starting with a pilot team or group. This will allow you to test the new methodology and iron out any kinks before rolling it out organisation-wide. 

When choosing your pilot team, it is important to select a group willing to try new things and experiment. This team will be the ‘test pilots’ for your Agile transition, so they need to be open to change and ready to give feedback. They need to feel ownership over the process as collaboration is the beating heart of Agile. 

Creating a Minimum Value Proposition

The minimum value proposition is a version of the new product or service with the minimum necessary features to test with customers. This is an integral part of the Agile process, as it allows you to get feedback early and often, making sure that your project is always on track. 

Your minimum value proposition should be something that can be built and tested quickly. It does not need to be perfect, but it does need to provide enough value to customers that they are willing to use it and give you feedback. 

Keep in mind that your MVP will evolve over time as you get more feedback from customers. What starts out as a bare-bones product will gradually become more feature-rich as your team identifies areas for improvement. 

Finding Agile Champions

In order for your pilot project to be successful, you need to have buy-in from everyone involved. One way to ensure this is by having champions passionate about making the switch to Agile. These individuals will help lead the charge and spread their enthusiasm throughout the organisation. 

Your champions do not need to be senior members of the team. In fact, it is often helpful to have someone who is closer to the ground and has a better understanding of the day-to-day challenges faced by your team. These individuals will be able to identify areas where Agile can make a real difference. 

Researching Types of Methods 

Agile came to life as a new way to manage projects in the software development industry. However, it has since been adopted by organisations in various sectors – the principles of Agile apply to any type of project. 

When you are first starting out, it can be helpful to research different types of Agile methods to see which one will work best for your team. Some of the most popular methods are #Scrum, #Kanban, and #Lean. 

  • Scrum is a framework that helps teams track progress and deliverables. It is based on short sprints during which specific tasks must be completed.  
  • Kanban is a visualization tool that helps teams see what tasks need to be completed. It is based on the principle of continuous improvement, meaning that teams are always looking for ways to optimize their workflow. 
  • Lean is a philosophy that emphasizes efficiency and waste reduction. It is based on the idea of eliminating anything that does not add value to the final product.  

Organisational Considerations 

Agile can be scaled to fit the needs of any organisation, regardless of size. However, the way it is implemented will vary depending on the size and complexity of the business.  

For smaller businesses, it is often best to start with a single team or project. It may be a good idea to appoint an Agile leader who understands that methodology and can support the real of the team. Take your time planning the transition to Agile to ensure the process is done right. 

Since Agile can be a culture shock to employees, it is natural for there to be some pushback. Educating employees on the benefits of Agile and how it will help them in their day-to-day work is crucial to getting buy-in from everyone. 

 Larger businesses may find it more challenging to transition to Agile due to the sheer size of the organisation. In this case, it is often helpful to create a dedicated Agile team that will work on implementing the new process. This team can then act as a resource for other departments within the organisation. 

Agile Infographic

Want more information on Agile? 

For a complete overview of Agile – access our free pocketbook, This is Agile here. It’s a simple, introductory guide to all things #Agile!

Want to know more about how AMO can help you with implementing Agile?

Contact us so we can help you create a straightforward, results-oriented framework that connects governance, delivery, and culture to help you thrive and organise. 

If you’d like to engage Fatimah as a coach/advisor for your organisation to help you make sense of the chaos, then you can reach out to her by email at