In the ever-evolving realm of project management, a revolutionary approach has been gaining momentum — Adaptive Governance. Imagine a project management strategy that not only embraces change but thrives on it, propelling your projects forward in the face of uncertainty. This article explores the dynamic concept of Adaptive Governance, unraveling its essence and showcasing why it’s a game-changer in the world of project management.

Adaptive Governance – what is it?

Adaptive governance in project delivery is a dynamic and responsive framework that embraces flexibility, collaboration, and continuous learning to navigate complex and evolving project environments. It emphasises the ability to swiftly adjust strategies, incorporate new information, and engage stakeholders effectively throughout.

At AMO we love adaptive governance as it lets us lead and manage delivery teams without flexing dysfunction-ally to various project management styles. An adaptive governance approach supports us to manage risk, report on value simply and meaningfully and build resilience in our systems and processes.

Are your governance processes adaptive? Here are some key characteristics to look out for:

Flexibility and Resilience:

Adaptive governance frameworks are designed to be flexible, allowing for adjustments and modifications in response to new information, changing circumstances, or unexpected events. This resilience helps systems withstand shocks or disturbances.

Collaboration and Participation:

Adaptive governance involves diverse stakeholders, prioritising collaboration and inclusivity in decision-making processes. By engaging various perspectives, adaptive governance seeks to enhance the legitimacy and effectiveness of decisions.

Learning and Experimentation:

Adaptive governance encourages experimentation and learning from both successes and failures. It involves monitoring, evaluation, and feedback mechanisms to continuously improve strategies and outcomes. Adaptive governance is not once and done!

Decentralisation and Local Knowledge:

There is often a decentralisation of decision-making authority to empower ‘localised‘ decision making and leverage contextual knowledge. It empowers those that know, regardless of their hierarchical position.

Adaptive Capacity Building:

Involves building the capacity of organisations to be adaptive. This includes investing in training, fostering a culture of innovation, and developing tools and processes that support adaptation as opposed to dictating rigidity.

Adaptive Management and Iterative Processes:

Adaptive governance employs iterative cycles of planning, implementation, and assessment. It allows for adjustments based on real-time feedback, promoting continuous improvement.

Long-term Perspective:

Adaptive governance aims for sustainability by considering long-term consequences and impacts, rather than focusing solely on short-term gains.


Overall, adaptive governance seeks to create systems and processes that are better equipped to handle uncertainties, change, and complexity by fostering adaptability, inclusivity, and continuous learning in decision-making processes. Adaptive governance for us is the way to go.

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