Agile Management Office has 12 Guiding Principles that lead our way of working. These principles are integrated into our AMO Way framework for implementing long lasting change, and by embodying these 12 points, we have been able to secure reliable and targeted results for all of our clients.

Let’s dive into one of the principles!

Principle 11:

Act with complete authenticity and transparency


Transparency and authenticity can help build a trusting relationship in which people are more likely to be inspired, bring their full commitment and motivation to an organisation (a project, workspace etc.). Furthermore, it encourages innovation and inspires creativity. The positive outcome of authentic and transparency will become full circle from employee to customer and vice versa.


Studies say that 8/10 employees have transparency at their workplace as a top priority and that transparency opens communication and creates authenticity around an organisation’s decision-making processes. Transparency encourages productivity because transparency in project processes reduces insecurity and saves time and money.


  • Transparency comes by enduring that people involved know their tasks, in terms of scope, risks and challenges
  • Make sure to communicate changes and trust people in their skills
  • Encourage feedback and promote collaboration through knowledge sharing
  • Increase visibility
  • Leverage the right tools as an enabler for regular communication.

Want to find out more about how AMO can help with your project management capability? Have a look here ( how our team can help yours reach their full project management potential. If you want to know more, contact us on