Join us for the 2nd Annual PMO Leader Global Conference! This year’s event is bigger and better than ever, and we are proud to share we have had almost 1000 attendees register. We are going to be featuring 3 conferences in 1 this year. To serve our regional community members we will be hosting events in the APAC, EMEA, and Americas all on October 18th. Each region will have a unique agenda tailored to the trends and events in their region. You’re invited to attend any and all of the events regardless your location. Agile Management Office and PMO Squad are helping to organise and host the event and have been hard at work with other PMO enthusiasts around the world to do so. The global sponsor is KeyedIn and our APAC region sponsor is BPM Vision. We have speakers from 73 countries including a a featured speaker from PMO Solutions discussing the alignment of PMO strategy using data and analytics! Make sure you get your seat at this global event. You don’t want to miss it.
One World, One PMO Community!