Agile Management Office has 12 Guiding Principles that lead our way of working. These principles are integrated into our AMO Way framework for implementing long lasting change, and by embodying these 12 points, we have been able to secure reliable and targeted results for all of our clients.

Let’s dive into one of the principles!

Principle 4:

Creating an Environment of Iterative Implementation Planning


Encouraging iterative implementation processes as a team effort to adapt to any unexpected changes. It is the process in which plans change according to feedback from the monitoring and evaluation process, changes in project objectives, risks, change of scope or budget. Being adaptable and flexible in your governance frameworks enables you to stay ahead of, not lag, behind delivery. We do this by understanding and living the iterative improvement mantra through putting the agile into governance, not the governance into Agile.


Given the level of uncertainty in various projects, fixed or rigid governance techniques are not going to be effective. We need to allow for original assumptions under which the project has been set out to change accordingly, this also applies to how we govern. For example, let’s not fixate on process for process’s sake, rather spend time with your stakeholder, live in their shoes and every time they iterate, we should too. Project funding, approvals,  stakeholders, objectives and social conditions need a level of flexibility to adapt to these changes. It’s how we are there to support it.


  • Focus on just in time information rather than just in case.
  • Make sure that governance activities are understood upfront.
  • Demonstrate your ability to partner with Projects to success by living in their shoes.
  • Co-create the change with stakeholders.
  • Be open to change and do so iteratively.

Want to find out more about how AMO can help with your project management capability? Have a look here ( how our team can help yours reach their full project management potential. If you want to know more, contact us on